How to Speed Up Fundraising Due Diligence

As a founder of a startup looking for funding, you need to be prepared to provide investors from equity such as venture capital firms and angel funding with the information they require for due diligence on fundraising. This is the process by which interested parties research a company in order to verify key metrics and information, meet investment criteria, and investigate possible risks before making an investing decision.

During the due diligence stage, VCs will ask for documents that pertain to your business’ operations, financials, taxation, legal and compliance. Due diligence will be made more efficient and delays minimized by having these documents easily accessible. A VDR will help you store and access these documents immediately and manage permissions. It will also ensure that only those who are required access to them are permitted to do so.

You can accelerate due diligence by using other tools in addition to the VDR. You can create a system that will automatically upload important files to an well-organized folder. This will cut down on the amount of work you need to complete, since you won’t need to manually gather and upload documents. It is beneficial to establish an agenda of the dates each piece of documentation will be required, so that the VC can know when you are ready to do so.

Training your gift officers in fundraising due diligence and gift acceptance guidelines is another effective method to make sure you are prepared for the due diligence process. This could include preparing the trigger list of criteria that, if satisfied, will require an additional risk rubric, such as international prospects, well-known crimes or scandals, as well as solicitations exceeding the threshold of a certain amount in dollars and gift cards that are named.

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