Board Meeting Recommendations

There are a few tips you can employ to ensure that your meeting runs smoothly and efficiently, whether it’s a meeting in person in your boardroom, or a remote meeting from your couch.

The importance of punctuality and planning — Starting on time and ensuring that board members have the materials they need ahead of the meeting is an excellent way to begin. A well-written agenda, clear and concise distribution in advance can help keep the meeting on track.

Don’t waste time reading long reports. These reports can quickly drown out board discussion. Only discuss the committee and leadership reports during board meetings when they are needed to make decisions or provide oversight. The rest of the work can be done via email or smaller meetings.

Limit the discussion about the features of products and roadmaps. The direction of a business shouldn’t be dictated by what the CEO thinks the market would like. If you need to talk about products, consider the reasons behind your decision to follow certain directions. This will keep you on the right track and prevent the «Enron» effect, where the board was unable to notice that problems were building up under the surface.

Schedule breaks for candor — These brief periods of silence allow board members to talk about issues that they do not feel comfortable discussing with their colleagues. They are often necessary to ensure that all opinions are taken into consideration and that everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves.


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