Data Safety Instructions

Data protection can lower the risk of cyber-attacks that could negatively impact your business and your reputation. It is important to know and adhere to the best practices when it comes to protecting sensitive information. An unauthorized disclosure of private information could lead to lawsuits or fines, which could have long-term implications for you or your business.

Password protection is essential for all your devices and files This simple action can keep hackers from gaining access to your information. Use strong passwords using complex combinations of letters, numbers and symbols. Change default passwords provided by vendors to more secure ones as quickly as you can. Use up-to-date anti-virus software and frequently conduct a thorough security scan of your PC and servers.

Do not send any personal information that is confidential or personally identifiable via email. This includes Social Security Numbers, bank account numbers, passwords, etc. Email is not secure and could be accessed by unsympathetic parties.

Ensure your network and data are safe – Ensure your computers, laptops, and portable storage devices are secured by using strong encryption when you send information to third parties and to protect the information on these devices. It’s also important to have a plan in place for responding to a cyberattack which includes who to inform and how to respond (e.g., employees, customers, credit agencies).

You should make sure you have backups of all your data Keep offline copies of the most important data in different locations from where your primary copies are kept. This can help prevent attackers from getting access to your primary copies, or from deleting them.

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