Sensitive Files in International Deals

Executives are increasingly concerned about sensitive files in international transactions. These files are typically classified as highly sensitive and are the most valuable assets for a company. They are a major risk of falling into the wrong hands. Cybercriminals can target any sensitive file that includes monetary information, personal data or trade secrets.

The misuse, loss, or unauthorized access to sensitive data could negatively affect national security, the performance of federal programs, or the privacy to which individuals are entitled under the Privacy Act. Also, there is controlled unclassified information (CUI).

Moderate sensitivity information consists of information that there is a legal obligation to protect but the leakage of this information could cause minor harm to the people and organizations involved. Examples include the building plans or donor records, information on intellectual property rights, information about IT services, visas and other travel documents as well as security information.

A company with global operations has to determine whether its data falls under PHI category under HIPAA or GDPR and ensure that it is stored and transferred in a timely manner.

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