How to Run Efficient and Effective Board Meetings

A board needs to work as a group to accomplish its goal, which is to keep track of company performance and advise the CEO on how to connect the business to the larger community. Being able to have fun with your board can in fostering this teamwork and build bonds that are stronger, but it’s essential to keep the meetings focused and productive. This article will cover easy ways to hold an efficient and productive board meeting. This will ensure that your board members make the most of their time and resources.

Reduce Discussions and Reporting

Longer reports can cause delays in a board meeting and distract from more strategic discussions. Encourage chairpersons and officers to limit their reports to a maximum of 25 percent of the total meeting time. This will allow the majority of the meeting time to be devoted on strategic planning and important decisions.

Be clear about how decisions will Be Taken

It is crucial to communicate your decision-making process clearly during board meetings to ensure that everyone is aware of what they have to do. Make sure you let your board members know in advance how they can be involved, whether you choose to make decisions by consensus, vote or some other method.

At least once a year Review Your Meetings

Request that your board members leave an «+» or «-» on a sticky-note on the table next to the meeting door. This will allow you to review their comments after the meeting. This will provide you with an idea of what works at your board meetings and areas where you could improve.

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